整理编辑:广东省学位英语考试网 发布时间:2022-08-11 16:47:04 阅读量:0
Passage Four
I came across an ol d country gui debook the other day. I t li sted al l the tradesmen i n each vi l l age, and i t was i mpressi v
e to see the past vari ety of servi ces whi ch were avai l abl e onone’ s own doorstep i n the l ate Vi ctori an countrysi de.
Nowadays a travel er i n rural Engl and mi ght concl ude that the onl y vi l l age tradesmen sti l l fl ouri shi ng were ei ther sel l ing frozen food to the vi l l agers or sel l i ng anti ques to vi si tors. Neverthel ess, thi s woul d real l y be a fal se i mpressi on. Onthe surface, there has been a decl i ne of vi l l age commerce, but i ts power i s sti l l remarkabl e.Our l ocal grocer’ s shop, for exampl e, i s actual l y expandi ng i n spi te of the competi ti on from supermarkets i n the nearest town. Women sensi bl y prefer to go there and exchange the l ocal news whi l e doi ng thei r shoppi ng, i nstead of queui ng up atasupermarket. And the grocer knows wel l that personal service has a consi derabl e cash val ue.Hi s pri ces may be a bi t hi gher than those i n the town, buthe wi l l del i ver anythi ng at any ti me. Hi s assi stants thi nk nothi ng of bi cycl i ng down the vi l l age street i n thei r l unch hour to take a pi ece of cheese to an ol d reti red woman who senther order by word of mouth wi th a fri end who happened to bepassi ng. The ri cher customers tel ephone thei r shoppi ng l i stsand the goods are on thei r doorsteps wi thi n an hour. They have onl y to hi nt at a fancy for some commodi ty outsi de the usual stock and the grocer, a red faced-fi gure, i nstantl y obtai nsi t for them.
31 . Nowadays the commerci al servi ces i n the vi l l age are ____________.
A. sti l l very acti ve B. qui ckl y decl i ni ng
C. unabl e to fl ouri sh D. personal to vi si tors
32. The l ocal grocer’ s shop i s expandi ng because _____________.
A. the competi ti on there i s weak B. i t i s a pl ace for women to chat
C. i t provi des good personal servi ce D. the goods there are more val uabl e
33. Whi ch of the fol l owi ng i s true about the supermarkets?
A. Pri ces there are much hi gher B. Customers often have toqueue up.
C. Customers can order by tel ephone. D. Thei r personal servi ces are sati sfactory.
34. How do the vi l l age grocer’ s assi stants feel about gi ving extra servi ce?
A. They don’ t thi nk i t a troubl e. B. They don’ t thi nk i tworthwhi l e.
C. They don’ t consi der i t a good deal . D. They don’ t consi der i t a pl easant experi ence.
35. One speci al feature of the vi l l age shop i s that ___________.
A. there i s a very wi de range of goods avai l abl e
B. customers can order goods by word of mouth
C. customer have to order goods one hour earl i er
D. there i s a l i st of goods to be del i vered to doorsteps
Part I I I Vocabul ary and Structure (20 poi nts)
Di recti ons: There are 40 i ncompl ete sentences i n thi s part.For each sentence there are 4 choi ces marked A, B, C and D.
Choose the one that best compl etes the sentence, mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET wi th a si ngl e l i ne through the center.
36. Duri ng the heavy storm l ast week, we had to take __________ under a fl yover.
A. shade B. shel ter C. shadow D. shi el d
37. The three men were assi gned jobs accordi ng to thei r _________ abi l i ti es.
A. respectful B. respectabl e C. respecti ve D. respecti ng
38. Sci enti sts have di scovered that many ani mal s seem to be hi ghl y _________ to vari ous si gnal s associ ated wi th earthquakes.
A. sensi bl e B. sensual C. senti mental D. sensi ti ve
39. The l ost car of the Johnsons’ was found __________ i nthe woods of the expressway.
A. vani shed B. scattered C. rejected D. abandoned
40. Our guests wi l l be gui ded to safety _________ fi re.
A. as a resul t of B. i n case of C. i n the sense of D. forthe sake of
41 . I f you want to ri ng her, you’ l l have to _________ hernumber i n the tel ephone book.
A. l ook at B. l ook to C. l ook through D. l ook up
42. Under the fi nanci al cri si s, more soci al probl ems i n the worl d are certai n to __________.
A. rai se B. ari se C. be rai sed D. be ari sen
43. After hi s reti rement, he l i ves partl y on hi s _________and partl y on the i nterest on hi s post offi ce savi ngs accoun
A. wages B. sal ary C. earni ngs D. pensi on
44. Duri ng the ___________, the audi ence strol l ed and chatted i n the l obby.
A. i nterval B. pause C. i nterrupti on D. gap
45. Membershi p i n the Uni ted Nati ons i s open to al l peace-l ovi ng states whi ch accept the ________ of the Charter.
A. debt B. obl i gati on C. credi t D. rel i ance
46. Tabl e tenni s used to be the most popul ar __________ i nChi na. But now basketbal l seems to be more attracti ve.
A. game B. match C. pl ay D. race
47. As her husband i s on a busi ness tri p and her son i s atschool , she feel s rather ___________.
A. l onel y B. al one C. si ngul ar D. si ngl e
48. We need to __________ our campi ng thi ngs before we goaway.
A. choose from B. tel l from C. sort out D. set out
49. He __________ very qui ckl y from hi s i l l ness.
A. recovered B. di scovered C. uncovered D. covered
50. I f the pol i ce had acted wi th more ____________, the disaster coul d have been prevented.
A. sol uti on B. determi nati on C. deci si on D. hesi tati on
51 . He does not ________ as a teacher of Engl i sh, for hi spronunci ati on i s far from perfect.
A. qual i fy B. equal C. match D. deserve
52. Hi s __________ repl y to the questi on showed that he had understood i t very wel l .
A. proud B. i mportant C. tense D. qui ck
53. When he tri ed to make a __________, he found that thehotel was ful l y booked.
A. reservati on B. demand C. cl ai m D. pol i cy
54. I expect that she wi l l be abl e to _________ our parti cul ar needs.
A. suppl y B. reach C. provi de D. meet
55. Duri ng Jul y and August there was no rai n for weeks __________.
A. on end B. i n the end C. at l ast D. at l ength
56. ____________ for thei r support, he woul d have gone penni l ess.
A. I f i t i s not B. I f i t i s C. Were i t D. Were i t not
57. There __________ i n hi s room.
A. are too many furni tures B. i s too much furni ture
C. are too much furni ture D. i s too many furni tures
58. I mi ss the hi l l si de ___________ we found a l ot of wi l dfl owers.
A. on whi ch B. by whi ch C. i n whi ch D. for whi ch
59. No sooner had we reached the top of the hi l l _________ we al l sat down to rest.
A. when B. then C. than D. unti l
60. By the ti me Nei l Armstrong and Edwi n Al dri n wal ked onthe moon i n 1 969, there ________ many space expl orati ons.
A. wi l l have been B. had been C. have been D. must be
61 . I regret __________ hard at school , or I woul d have passed the exam.
A. to have not worked B. havi ng not worked
C. not to have worked D. not havi ng worked
62. When the man wi th gl asses came i nto the hotel , I noti ced a __________ l ook come over the manager’ s face.
A. surpri sed B. surpri si ng C. surpri se D. surpri si ngl y
63. __________ get a better score, he has been maki ng great efforts i n hi s l essons.
A. So as to B. I n order to C. So that D I n order that
64. As far as I know, the producti on of thi s factory has doubl ed thi s year, and the qual i ty of i ts products has been i mproved __________.
A. si nce then B. by then C. unti l now D. as wel l
65 Al l __________ i s an Engl i sh-Chi nese di cti onary.
A. that you need B. what you need C. whi ch you need D. things you need
66. _________ i ts good performance, the machi ne i s too expensi ve.
A. Besi des B. Except for C. I n spi te of D. Apart from
67. He l ooks sl eepy. He must _________ to bed very l ate l ast ni ght.
A. be gone B. be goi ng C. go D. have gone
68. Mrs. Whi te became a teacher i n 1 990. She _________ fortwenty years by next summer.
A. wi l l teach B. woul d have taught C. has been teachi ng D.wi l l have taught
69. She i s __________ a dri ver as any one el se.
A. as good as B. as a good C. so good a D. so a good
70. You may wri te an e-mai l to me or just phone me. __________ wi l l do.
A. Each B. Ei ther C. Nei ther D. None
71 . Few peopl e knew hi s reason for qui tti ng hi s job was _________ he wanted to go abroad.
A. whether B. where C. why D. that
72. The teacher asked me __________ us to fi ni sh wri ti ng the composi ti on.
A. how l ong woul d i t take B. how l ong i t woul d take
C. how soon woul d i t take D. how soon i t woul d take
73. I t was the thi rd ti me the vi l l agers _________ i ntervi ewed by the radi o stati on.
A. have been B. had been C. were D. are
74. She came i nto the room qui etl y __________ wake her friends.
A. so as not to B. so as to not C. not so as to D. so she
75. I arri ved l ate。 I __________ the traffi c to be so heavy thi s morni ng.
A. wasn’ t expecti ng B. woul dn’ t expect
C. haven’ t expected D. hadn’ t expected
31 -35 A C B A B
36-40 B C D D B 41 -45 D B D A B 46-50 A A C A B
51 -55 A D A D A 56-60 D B A C B 61 -65 D B B A A
66-70 C D D A B 71 -75 D B C A D
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