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整理编辑:广东省学位英语考试网  发布时间:2022-10-14 15:33:34  阅读量:0


        Part I Dialogue Completion

        1.Chris:Doris,Highland Mall is having a big sale this weekend.( )

        Doris:Don’t feel like it.I’m broke.

        A .You wanna go?

        B .I wish I knew it.

        C .I can tell.

        D .You like it?



        2.Brenda:Did you say you’re going to take a vacation next week?

        Lorena:Yes.I’m going to San Francisco for a couple of days.

        Brenda: ( )I wish I could get away for a while.

        A .Could you go with me?

        B .How lucky I am!

        C .I really appreciate it.

        D .I really envy you.



        3.Jerry:Can you loan me some money?

        Cathy: ( )I’ve already gone through my paycheck for the week.

        A .How can I?

        B .I’m sorry.

        C .I’m not sure.

        D .Can you imagine?



        4.Jose:Pamela,can you come to a meeting on Friday?

        Pamela:I’m not sure. ( ) What time are you having it?

        Jose:We’re planning on having it around noon.

        A .Oh,go ahead.

        B .Oh,yes.

        C .Let me check my schedule.

        D . I would like to join you.



        5.Marshall:Do you know what Jason’s office phone number is?

        Pam:I’m sorry.You might want to look it up in the phone book.

        Marshall: ( )but it seems that his phone number is UNLISTED.

        A .Sure thing,

        B .I don’t know,

        C .I’ve checked it already,

        D .Oh,don’t bother,



        6.Jake:I thought Jane’d be happy.

        Cathy:Yeah,especially since she got a promotion recently.

        Jake:Maybe it’s ( )

        A .something she’d like to keep secret.

        B .what she usually does.

        C .how she copes with something unpleasant.

        D .some kind of personal problem.



        7.Sarah:Why isn’t Judy at work today?

        Barbara:Apparently, ( )and she couldn’t come.

        Sarah:I wonder what happened.

        A .something came up

        B .she didn’t say anything

        C .she would like to quit

        D .something could happen



        8.Angela:I came across Amanda yesterday.

        Bruce: ( )

        A .How is she doing?

        B .Never mind.

        C .No worry.

        D . Is she right?



        9.Hart:Don’t lose heart.Whatever difficulties you have will be overcome in the end.

        Rose: ( )

        A .That sounds odd.

        B .We are expecting a change.

        C .I hope so!

        D .You are welcome!



        10.Jack:I’ve sent out lots of applications,but received no offer yet.

        Jerry: ( )

        A .You think so?

        B .Look who’s talking.

        C .Is that OK?

        D .Don’t worry.



        11.Customer:I’m sorry to say this,but these snacks are awful.

        Waitress: ( )

        A .What’s your opinion?

        B .How can you say that?

        C .I’m terribly sorry about that,sir.

        D .That’s quite normal.



        12.Grace:Why don’t we go out for a picnic this weekend?

        Susie: ( )

        A .That’s a brilliant idea.

        B .Sounds like an excellent job.

        C .Glad you could make it.

        D .I’m sure it isn’t so bad.



        13.Secretary:Can I get some information about this program?

        Manager: ( )

        A .Yes,you do.

        B .Go on.

        C .You certainly can.

        D .Good idea.



        14.Guest:Thank you for your effort to make my stay comfortable.

        Host: ( )

        A .Never mind.

        B .Don’t be so polite.

        C .You are so kind.

        D .It’s my pleasure.



        15.Linda:Can you lend me a hand with this suitcase?

        Richard: ( )

        A .Well,I can’t.

        B .I guess you can.

        C .With pleasure.

        D .Don’t bother.



        Part II Reading Comprehension

        Passage One

        A 3-year-old boy who was lost in the woods for two days is now safe at home.But Casey Hathaway told his rescuers that he was not along in the rainy,freezing cold woods.He said he was with a friend—a bear.

        The child went missing on January 22 while playing with friends at his grandmother’s house in the southern state of North Carolina.When the other children returned to the house and Casey did not,the family searched the area for almost an hour before calling the police.

        Police formed a search and rescue team to look for the young boy in the nearby woods.But two days went by and still—no Casey.The woods of North Carolina are home to many black bears,like this one.It seems one of them helped a little boy while he was lost in the woods.Then on January 24,someone called the police saying they heard a child crying in the woods.

        Police followed up on the information and found Casey at about 9:30 that night.They pulled him out of some briar(荆棘).He was in good health.Police Officer Chip Hughes said that Casey did not say how he was able to survive in the woods for two days in the could,rainy weather,but that “he did say he had a friend in the woods that was a bear that was with him.”

        Hundreds of people helped in the search and rescue efforts,including some 600 volunteers,federal police and members of the military.Hughes told reporters that at no point did he think Casey had been kidnapped(绑架).

        Doctors at Carolina East Medical Center treated Casey for minor injuries.He was then released to his family on January 25.

        16.According to the passage,Casey’s missing is a case of  ( ).

        A.pure accident

        B.planned kidnap

        C.children’s trick

        D.animal attack



        17. The woods are mentioned again and again to indicate that they ( ).

        A.provide good places for children to play in

        B.are home to bears and thus dangerous to children

        C.stand for good environment around Casey’s home

        D.may be the cause of the rainy weather in the area



        18.After receiving the call,the police ( ).

        A.appeared indifferent

        B.found Casey immediately

        C.made a quick response

        D.did not know what to do



        19.When found in the woods,Casey was ( ).

        A. playing with a bear

        B.badly injured by a bear

        C.hiding in some briar

        D.in good condition



        20.All the following are mentioned as those helping in the rescue efforts EXCEPT ( ).



        C.federal police

        D.members of the military



        Passage Two

        The ideas about healthy eating have not changed much from your great-grandmother’s time.Eat a variety of foods,don’t gain weight and avoid too much salt and sugar.But scientists keep changing their advice.In a 2012 U.S. poll,half of the respondents(受访者) said it was easier to do taxes than to figure out what is healthy to eat.Why isn’t it simpler?

        For one thing,nutrition or food science is really new research.It is not yet reliable.And,there’s lots of money to be made in the food business.So companies will say their food is healthy even if it isn’t.

        In 2011,the U.S. government put out dietary guidelines about cholesterol(胆固醇) and total fat.The panel of scientists wrote that a healthy diet is “lower in red and processed meat” because these meats lead to higher death rates from cancer and heart disease.After strong objections from the meat industry,that caution was dropped in 2016.

        The 2016 U.S. nutrition guidelines have 204 pages.They are very complicated,making many believe that they have,at times,contributed to worsening health.For instance,warnings that the fat in butter and cream produced heart attacks made people switch to nondairy creamer.But these contain the trans fats that scientists now think are more harmful.

        Furthermore,warnings to avoid fat altogether led Americans to eat significantly more carbohydrates(碳水化合物).The carbohydrates in “fat-free” diets increase sugar  in the blood,leading to more weight gain.

        Some nutritionists think the guidelines should be easier to understand,which would put them more in line with the eating advice given by the World Health Organization (WHO).

        21.According to the first paragraph,as to what is healthy to eat,people ( ).

        A.prefer traditional food

        B.are somewhat confused

        C.trust the advice of scientists

        D.keep changing their choices



        22.The example of the meat industry implies that ( ).

        A.food science is not reliable

        B.food business has strong power

        C.nutrition scientists are wrong

        D.food preference is changing



        23.What do we know about nondairy creamer( )?

        A.It contains harmful trans fat.

        B.It increases sugar in the blood.

        C.It raises the cholesterol level.

        D.It leads to more weight gain.



        24.Some nutritionists think that compared with the WHO advice,the U.S. guidelines    ( ).

        A.lack reliability

        B.make no sense

        C.seem too complicated

        D.do more harm than good



        25.What seems to be the author’s attitude towards the U.S. nutrition guidelines in 2016( )?







        Passage Three

        As the national attention to fake news and the debate over what to do about it continue,one place where many are looking for solutions is in the classroom.

        In Scott Bedley’s version of Simon Says,what keep you in the game is to decide correctly whether a news story is real or not.To start off the game,Bedley sends his fifth-graders at Plaza Vista School in Irvine,California,an article to read on their laptops.He gives them about three minutes to make their decision—they have to read the story carefully,examine its source and use their judgment.Those who think the article is false stand up.The “true” believers stay in their seats.

        Bedley says he’s been trying to teach his students for a while to look carefully at what they’re reading and where it comes from.He’s got a seven-point checklist his students can follow.

        Bedley also teamed up recently with Todd Flory at Calamus Wheatland Elementary School in Calamus,Iowa,to do a fake news challenge via Skype.Flory’s fourth-graders chose two real article and wrote a fake article of their own.Then,they presented them to Bedley’s class in California.

        The fifth-graders decided which article out of the three was fake.Most importantly,they had to explain why they thought it was fake.Otherwise,no points.

        Flory says writing the fake news article was more difficult for his students than they expected because they had to make it believable.“It really hammered home the idea to them that fake news doesn’t have to be too eye-catching,”he says.“It can be a very subtle(微妙的) change,but that subtle change can have big consequences.”

        26.What is probably Bedley’s version of Simon Says( )?

        A.new course to learn about Simon’s news strategy.

        B.A lecture to follow Simon’s discussion of fake news.

        C.A classroom game to help students identify fake news.

        D.A reading competition to inspire students to read news.



        27.In Bedley’s game,the fifth-graders ( ).

        A.are encouraged to have a group discussion

        B.learn the tips for writing a good story

        C.need to explain whether they like the news or not

        D.make decisions the way Bedley has taught them



        28.What can be learned about Flory’s fourth-graders( )?

        A.They wrote articles to test the fifth graders’ judgment.

        B.They teamed up with the fifth graders to write articles.

        C.They had a writing competition with the fifth-graders.

        D.They presented their articles for the fifth-graders to correct.



        29.The most important task for the fifth-graders was to ( ).

        A.finish reading within three minutes

        B.decide which article was fake

        C.explain why they made the choice

        D.team up with other students



        30. The fourth-graders understand that the key to writing false news articles is to make them ( ).







        Passage Four

        For a long time,people have disagreed about whether golf is a sport or a game.

        On one side of the argument,people say that golf meets the dictionary definition of a sport,because it is a physical,athletic activity.They add that golf is recognized as a sport by sporting goods companies,athletic groups,fans,and the media.Also,golf’s inclusion in the Olympics in 2016 is more proof that it is sport.

        On the other side,people say that golf is a game,not a sport.They say golf is not a very physical activity and can be played well by people who are overweight or injured.Also,golf was only recently added to the Olympics.For more than 100 years it was not included in the Olympic Games.

        For many,the Olympic Games serve as a measurement for whether an activity should be called a sport.Golf was first included in the Olympics in 1900.However,it was removed shortly thereafter because of a lack of participation and confict with other golf events.Through the years,there were several attempts to bring golf back to the Olympics.It wasn’t until the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil that golf returned.

        Some say the return of golf does not prove that it is a sport.Rather,it only proves that the Olympics wanted to benefit from the star power of famous golfers like Tiger Woods.

        The disagreement continues today.Those who think golf is a sport point to pro-golfers like Woods,who are strong and fit.Those who disagree point to golfers like John Daly.He is a successful pro-golfer who once had health problems.So is golf a sport?The answer depends on who you ask—and whether that person owns a set of golf clubs.

        31.All the following evidence is used to prove that golf is a sport EXCEPT ( ).

        A.professional training

        B.Olympic Games

        C.dictionary definition

        D.media recognition



        32.The overweight or injured people are mentioned in Paragraph 3 to ( ).

        A.demonstrate the popularity of golf

        B.indicate the special function of golf

        C.prove that golf is more of a game than of a sport

        D.show the physical,athletic nature of golf



        33.Which of the following statements about golf and the Olympics is true( ) ?

        A.Golf was first included in Olympics several years ago.

        B.Golf has been in and out of the Olympics a dozen times.

        C.Golf was brought back to the Olympics over 100 years ago.

        D.Golf was excluded from the Olympics for more than a century.



        34.According to Paragraph 5,the inclusion of golf in the Olympics ( ).

        A.indicates that it is a sport

        B.results from the star effect

        C.ends the debate on golf

        D.benefits its development



        35.The author seems to suggest in the last paragraph that ( ).

        A.golf is a game

        B.golf is a sport

        C.golf is both a game and a sport

        D.there is no definite answer



        Part III Vocabulary and Structure

        36.The working group will be looking for practical solutions to the problems (  ) doctors.

        A .face

        B .facing

        C .faced

        D .being faced



        37.All the cars driving in the opposite direction (  ) their headlights on.

        A .had

        B .have had

        C .having

        D .had had



        38.An area in (  ) the computer has made big progress is in playing chess.

        A .which

        B .what

        C .how

        D .where



        39.We must have the patience to continue our work (  ) we find a more effective solution.

        A .so

        B .and

        C .until

        D . thus



        40.We were glad that she (  ) a gold medal.

        A .will be awarded

        B .has been awarded

        C .had been awarded

        D .was being awarded



        41.I couldn’t find the tools;they might (  ) in the wrong place.

        A .put

        B .have put

        C .be put

        D .have been put



        42.I don’t care what others say; I’m (  ) you.

        A .for

        B .with

        C .under

        D .after



        43.Never (  ) of becoming the head of the information department.It is out of sheer luck.

        A .I dreamt

        B .do I dream

        C .have I dreamt

        D .I have dreamt



        44.A close look at the statistics (  ) a troubling picture.

        A .reviews

        B .reveals

        C .revises

        D .results



        45.The central bank has lowered (  ) rates by 2 percent.

        A .interest

        B .interests

        C .interesting

        D .interested



        46.We both got up and (  ) our way through the crowd.

        A .got

        B .made

        C .had

        D .gave



        47.When we drove through the gates,she (  ) a look of amazement.

        A .put

        B .drew

        C .wore

        D .caught



        48. The city centre and the shops are only a (  ) distance away.

        A .near

        B .short

        C .close

        D .small



        49.Max is nearly twice (  ) his little sister Eve.

        A .heavy as

        B .as heavy as

        C .heavier as

        D .heavier than



        50.Bobbie has some shortcomings but (  ) she is hardworking and reliable.

        A .on the whole

        B .as a whole

        C .in a word

        D .in other words



        51.Look at how many people watch cell phones and how (  ) read books.

        A .some

        B .much

        C .little

        D .few



        52.He would go (  ) his work again and again until he felt he had it right.

        A .to

        B .for

        C .over

        D .into



        53.They all wonder what (  ) the matter with the new equipment.

        A .are

        B .is

        C .were

        D .was



        54.At our factory there are a few machines like (  ) described in the book.

        A .them

        B .theirs

        C .those

        D .that



        55.An agreement seems impossible since most of the committee members are (  ) it.

        A .for

        B .about

        C .against

        D .like



        56.Start out right now, (  ) you’ll miss the last train.

        A .and

        B .but

        C .or

        D .for



        57.(  ) advertisements are of some help to our life,we should not rely on them too much.

        A .When

        B .While

        C .As

        D .Unless



        58.Planning so far ahead in such detail (  ) no sense—many things will change in two years.

        A .has made

        B .made

        C .make

        D .makes



        59.The old couple often take a walk in the park, (  ) by their pet dog.

        A .following

        B .to follow

        C .followed

        D .follows



        60.English learners today have a wide range of resources (  ) to choose.

        A .from which

        B .at which

        C .for which

        D .of which



        61.You need to tell him the (  ) why you turned down his offer.

        A .cause

        B .reason

        C .excuse

        D .way



        62.You are working too hard.You’d better keep a (  ) between work and relaxation.

        A .promise

        B .pace

        C .balance

        D .business



        63.It is wonderful that the traditional character of the small town is well (  ) .

        A .proposed

        B .preserved

        C .defined

        D .defended



        64.There is not much time left,but (  ) we must get there on time.

        A .somehow

        B .somewhat

        C .no matter

        D .anyway



        65.Don’t speak in such a high (  ) .

        A .sound

        B .noise

        C .voice

        D .energy



        66.I have to say that (  ) helping improve the situation,you’ve just made it worse.

        A .far from

        B .due to

        C .but for

        D .out of



        67.Good at note taking,Estelle can (  ) almost every word of the lecturer in class.

        A .turn down

        B .turn up

        C .put down

        D .put up



        68.All foreign visitors are required to (  ) with the local police within two weeks after arrival.

        A .report

        B .register

        C .administrate

        D .adjust



        69.The twins are so much (  ) that I can’t tell who is who.

        A .likely

        B .unlike

        C .alike

        D .like



        70.She was involved in a serious car (  ) last week.

        A .incident

        B .occurrence

        C .accident

        D .happening



        71.Are you sure there is a (  ) supply of fresh water on that island?

        A .productive

        B .plentiful

        C .numerous

        D .spare



        72.There was a deep-rooted racial (  ) long before the two countries went to war.

        A .dislike

        B .argument

        C .conflict

        D .belief



        73.The company provides bus service for workers coming home from the night (  ) .

        A .period

        B .unit

        C .shift

        D .move



        74.The basis for training relies on the dog’s natural (  ) to hunt and chase .

        A .mind

        B .wisdom

        C .instinct

        D .sense



        75.—Shall I inform him of the change in the schedule right now?

        —I’m afraid you , in case he comes late for the meeting.

        A .will

        B .must

        C .can

        D .may



        Part IV Cloze Test

        The phrase,“The early bird catches the worm” may be true.It  76  people who wake up early get more done than people who don’t.  77  saying is from Benjamin Franklin.He said:“Early to bed,early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy,and wise.”Scientists have found that people who go to bed before 11 pm  78  do better in life than people who sleep around 2:30 am.Their research showed that people who slept and rose early had a  79  over people who slept and woke up late.There were differences  80  the brain function of early birds and night owls(夜猫子).The scientists  81  thirty-eight people in their research.The people answered questionnaires about their sleeping  82  and when they felt tired during the day.They were then put into an early bird or night owl group   83  on their answers.All of the people had MRI scans on their brain and did  84  tests throughout the day.The researchers said there were big differences  between the two groups.The early birds said they felt less sleepy and were able to do the tests more quickly than the night owls.The researchers believe that the night owls have to get up earlier to go to work,so they’re  85  having to fight against their preferences and natural rhythms.










        D.The other




        B.ought to















































        Part V Writing(15 points)

        Directions: Write an essay in about 120 words on the topic of “Imagine the life without a mobile phone”. You should base your composition on the Chinese outline given below. Write your essay on the ANSWER SHEET.



        设想一下没有手机,我们的生活会是……Part I Dialogue Completion





